Priyanka's tweet on Santosh Gangwar's statement, said this about employment

Lucknow: Congress General Secretary General Priyanka Vadra has once again targeted the Modi government on the issue of economy and employment. On Sunday, Priyanka Vadra hit back at the statement made by Union Labor and Employment Minister Santosh Gangwar that the new jobs have not come in the last five years.

Congress General Secretary Priyanka Vadra has tweeted that in 5 years no new jobs have been created and the jobs that were there are going due to the economic recession brought by the government. Priyanka further said that, the youth are looking at the way that the government should do something good for them. Priyanka said that these people want to avoid insulting the North Indians. It is worth mentioning that Union Labor and Employment Minister Santosh Gangwar had said that there is a shortage of young educated people in North India. Gangwar said that there is no lack of employment in the country but there is a shortage of qualified people.

Union Labor and Employment Minister Santosh Gangwar said that apart from the employment office, our ministry is also monitoring it. There is no problem of employment, but whatever companies come to give employment, they say that those youth do not have merit. The matter of recession is understood, but there is no lack of employment.

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