Protests Erupt in Kota Over NEET-UG 2024 Irregularities: NSUI Lathicharged, ABVP Demands Re-Test, CBI Inquiry

JAIPUR - The Rajasthan Police resorted to lathicharge on Friday to disperse NSUI activists protesting against alleged irregularities in the NEET-UG 2024 exam, as they attempted to enter the Collectorate in Kota.

Earlier, about 300 NSUI activists had gathered outside the Circuit House in Kota and proceeded on foot towards the Collectorate. Barricades were set up by the police, preventing the protesters from advancing. Some activists reportedly climbed over the barricades, insisting on entering the Collectorate. A scuffle ensued between the police and the protesters, prompting the police to resort to lathicharge to disperse the crowd.

Vinod Jakhar, Rajasthan NSUI President, expressed concern over the plight of lakhs of aspiring doctors. "The government's false arguments will not suffice. The NEET paper was leaked. It should be canceled, and a re-examination must be conducted," he asserted.

Vishal Mewada, district chief of the Congress' student wing, stated, "The students came to protest peacefully. Our demand was to meet the collector and submit a memorandum. The police stopped us from entering, and when some activists tried, the police resorted to lathicharge."

In Ajmer, ABVP activists also demanded the cancellation of the NEET UG exam and called for a CBI inquiry into the alleged irregularities. The ABVP organized a rally to the Collectorate, where they submitted a memorandum to the District Collector.

Asuram Dukia, a student leader from ABVP, highlighted serious allegations. "The paper surfaced in the market half an hour before the exam. A group was caught in Bihar buying papers worth Rs 60 crore. Despite this, the results were released without acknowledging the paper as leaked, jeopardizing the future of 24 lakh children," he claimed.

The ABVP's demands included re-examination of the NEET UG exam and a CBI investigation into the matter.

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