Eat pumpkin salad every day, you will get these benefits

In today's time, it has become very difficult to stay healthy, but if you want, you can also include pumpkin salad in the diet. Yes, because it can keep you healthy. For this, use roasted pumpkin because the salad made from it is delicious as well as very healthy.

Pumpkin salad- very beneficial for health. In fact, it improves the light of the eyes. Apart from this, it also works to keep the skin healthy (salad). At the same time, it reduces the risk of cancer.  

Make pumpkin salad at home - pumpkin, olive oil, take green vegetables of your choice, finely chopped almonds, apple vinegar, honey, salt, pepper, dijon mustard, dried apricots and dates. Then cut the pumpkin into cubes. Then spread pumpkin cubes on a baking sheet and pour olive oil over it. Fry it at 200 °C for about 25 minutes. After that, cut the green vegetables of your choice. Cut some dry fruits of your choice. Now take a large bowl and add the roasted pumpkin pieces, dried fruits and green vegetables to it. Take a small bowl to prepare the dressing and add the dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, honey, salt and pepper to it. Mix it well. Then, dress up the salad. Yes and put some dried apricots and dates on it. Finally, mix well and eat well.  

Benefits of Pumpkin Salad-

Weight loss - Pumpkin is rich in fibre. It makes you feel full for a long time. It also has a low amount of calories. This way it helps to lose weight.

Beneficial for the eyes -  Pumpkin contains lutein and zeaxanthin. These two antioxidants can prevent cataracts.

Boost immunity- Pumpkin helps to fight infections, viruses and other diseases. Yes, and it keeps away all the fungal and bacterial viruses.

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