Rahul Gandhi by giving example of four countries says, 'Lockdown in India fails'

New Delhi: The crisis of coronavirus spread across the world from Wuhan city of China is not over from the country. But the government has now restricted the lockdown to a large extent only to the Containment Zones and the country has come into unlock mode. This decision of the government is being strongly opposed. Many experts have not even described it as an appropriate step for the current situation. Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi was earlier opposing the lockdown implemented by the government, now opposing the move to unlock.

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Lok Sabha MP from Wayanad, Rahul Gandhi, has expressed strong opposition to this decision of the Modi government through a tweet on Friday. For this, Rahul Gandhi has highlighted the graph of corona cases of some countries as compared to India and the date of lockdown and unlock in that country. Rahul Gandhi has written, "This is what a failed lockdown looks like."

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Rahul Gandhi has written this because the lockdown was announced in the countries whose graph is shared on Twitter when the corona cases were increasing rapidly and the decision to unlock was taken when the corona cases in that country came. But the decision to unlock in India has been taken when the cases of corona infection are increasing every day. The countries whose corona graph is shared by Rahul Gandhi include Corona affected countries like Spain, Germany, Italy and Britain.


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