Rajasthan: Man arrested for raping minor daughter

A man was arrested for allegedly raping his minor daughter in the Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan.The teenage victim registered FIR on July 4 accusing  her father for raping her. SP Hanumangarh Ajay Singh said when the mother of the girl died, she was around 13 years old . “The girl in her FIR stated that the accused father had been raping her for one and a half years. When she resisted and threatened him to inform the atrocity on her to her grandmother and maternal uncle, the accused threatened to kill her. As per the reports, her uncle took her to his home and there she narrated her the incident to  him. The girl along with her uncle reached Pallu police station and filed a complaint. The accused was later detained and arrested . After police interrogation, he was produced before a local court on Friday which sent him to judicial custody. This is not the first time when this type of incident came into light. Several incident like this in which a girl is molested or sexually acussed by their near ones and relatives are these days are increasing.

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