Rakesh Tikait targets VM Singh for leaving farmers' protest

New Delhi: Farmer leaders are on a Delhi police radar following the violence that erupted during the tractor parade. Meanwhile, farmer leader Rakesh Tikait's statement came. He said that the government is not in any misunderstanding, the farmers who have come here, nobody fueled their tractor, they have come with the United Kisan Morcha with their oil.

Targeting the National Farmers' Trade Organisation chief VM Singh, Tikait said that he has been eating pudding for the past two months and is also making speeches. When he had to eat bitterly one day, he went home. Such people should not come to the display.  Tikait said VM Singh feared confiscation of his property. Either make a movement or save your property. One thing you should do is not both things. We are sitting on the movement, we are not afraid of going to jail," Tikait said. Bhakiu Bhanu will go back when the police come to him. On January 30, we will keep fasting and the agitation will continue.

The farmers ' leaders have begun to crack down after the violence erupted on January 26. Two organizations have decided to separate from the ongoing farmers' agitation on the Delhi border. The National Farmers' Trade Organisation and the Bharatiya Kisan Union (Bhakiu) have announced that they are separating from the agitation.

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