RBI Exam Result 2020: Assistant preliminary exam 2020 results will be announced soon

RBI exam result 2020: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) can declare the result of the preliminary exam 2020 held for assistant posts today. The candidates who had given the RBI Assistant Preliminary Exam 2020, after the release of the results, will be able to see the official website of RBI at rbi.org.in.

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Reserve Bank of India (RBI) conducted the preliminary examination on 14 and 15 February 2020 for the recruitment of Assistant posts. As part of this recruitment process, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) vacancies were taken out on a total of 926 Assistant Posts. Now the candidates who have succeeded in the preliminary examination in 2020 will have to go through the next phase of the recruitment process. Under this, the candidates will have to appear in the online main examination. According to the RBI Assistant Online, Main Test 2020 official notification will be held in March. Its date has not been announced yet.

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RBI had issued a notification for 926 Assistant Recruitment in December 2019 and the application process started from 23 December 2019. The last date for application was on 16 January 2020. After this, the examination was held on 14 and 15 February. This one-hour exam was completely computer-based. The examination was conducted at various examination centers across the country. More difficult questions were not asked in the assistant exam. Successful candidates will also have to take a language proficiency test (LPT) after taking the main examination.

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See the result like this: -

To see the result, the candidate has to go to the official website of RBI, rbi.org.in. Click on the link related to RBI Assistant Recruitment given on the home page. On the new page, click on the link related to the RBI Assistant Preliminary Exam 2020. At the same time, the candidates can take print of the examination result and keep it safe.

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