If there is less bleeding in periods, know the reason

There is a lot of women having low bleeding problems in periods. Low bleeding in menstruation is sometimes dangerous. Low or High Bleeding can be caused by several reasons. If you also have low bleeding during your period, do talk to your doctor. In addition, eating can also relieve period pain and low bleeding. Today we're going to tell you why and how to do it.

Causes of low bleeding in menstruation Just as hormonal imbalances cause more bleeding in the period, less bleeding in the period can also be caused by hormonal changes. If you are having a short period of time, consult a doctor first because they may be the cause. In a bid to consult your doctor, you can also try some home remedies that will help you get the period suspense.

Spinach and carrot juice Bleeding is low in periods even when there is anemia in the body. If you have this problem, you should include spinach and carrot juice in your diet. It also forms blood with the necessary fluids in the body.

Asafoetida is beneficial Asafoetida use increases the amount of progesterone hormone in the body, which also removes the problem of low bleeding. So, be sure to use Asafoetida in your diet.

Consume sugarcane juice Sugarcane juice is very beneficial to prevent the problem of low bleeding in periods. So start drinking a glass of cane juice every day 14 days before the period begins.

Cinnamon regulates menstruation If the bleeding is properly done during periods, use cinnamon. Mix the cinnamon powder in hot water and drink it 2-3 times a day. This will also relieve the bleeding and relieve the pain of the period.

Ginger intake beneficial Cut ginger thin and boil in water to increase bleeding and relieve period pain. Then lukewarm ginger water and drink it. Consume it 2-3 times a day. It will also benefit a lot.

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