Regret, displeasure, as China continues to obstruct Taiwan's seafood exports

Taipei: In a fresh blow to trade ties, Taiwan has "effectively barred nearly 100 seafood exporters from shipping a variety of aquatic products, including different types of fish, in response to claims by officials." expressed regret and dissatisfaction".

In Taipei on Thursday, Vice Minister of Agriculture Chen Junne-jih informed reporters that shipments of squid, Pacific saury, forefinger threadfin and possibly other species have been banned by China's General Administration of Customs.

Chinese customs officials updated their rules on food imports last year, and Chen Xun-jih claims they haven't approved exporters' paperwork requested in April 2021.

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New registration, inspection and labeling requirements were included in the changes, but Chen Jun-jih claimed that only one exporter had been approved, despite the fact that Taiwanese exporters had submitted 178 applications before the August 31 deadline. had deposited

The Taiwan government's Mainland Affairs Council claimed on Friday that "China has not made any statement or decision on the applications filed by our businesses."

The Council expresses regret and displeasure that mainland China Customs suddenly suspended the export of our aquatic products due to this registration dispute.

"A political report after the Communist 20th Party Congress claimed it would encourage economic and cultural cooperation, but the actual actions taken run in the opposite direction, harming the livelihoods of relatively vulnerable farmers, fishermen and related industries, and Won't get support in Taiwan."

The General Administration of Customs of China in Beijing was questioned for comment on Friday.

According to data from the 200-member Taiwan Frozen Seafood Industries Association, the amount of fish shipped from Taiwan to mainland China in September was only 912 tonnes, down from about 18,470 tonnes a year earlier. Some fish were already packed.

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Following Nancy Pelosi's controversial visit to Taiwan in August, Taiwan's exports of natural sand, citrus fruits, cold white scallops, and frozen mackerel to mainland China were all halted.

Chinese customs officials may be concerned about the health and safety of imported seafood, but they are also making a political point, according to Chen Yi-fan, an assistant professor of diplomacy and international relations at Tamkang University in Mainland Taiwan. .

He claimed that it "expresses China's attitude towards Taiwan."

About 80 Taiwanese exporters of tea leaves have been cleared under the new customs rules, apart from agriculture official Chen Junne-jih on Thursday.

Seven major economies including the United States, Britain and Japan urged China last year to suspend changes to customs rules because they risked upsetting global supply chains. Taiwan's seafood exporters are experiencing a "hit" to their business, according to Wu Tzu-jung, secretary general of the Taiwan Frozen Seafood Industries Association.

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He claimed that a lot of exporters are now focusing on sales in various markets such as Thailand, which is currently the most popular destination globally. "They have other markets, but it takes a long time to open those markets," she said.

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