Resumption of diplomatic talks raises prospect of defusing tensions between Russia, Ukraine

MOSCOW: As intensive diplomatic attempts to ameliorate the current crisis have ramped up, hopes for a peaceful resolution of the Russia-Ukraine tensions have risen.

Russia's Permanent Representative to the European Union, Vladimir Chizhov, told the BBC that Moscow still believes "diplomacy may help" alleviate tensions in Ukraine, emphasising that Moscow has no intention of invading any country while cautioning against provocation.

In a recent interview with Russia's Sputnik, Gennady Gatilov, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, claimed that Russia has no plans to invade Ukraine.

"When it comes to understanding the Russian leadership's clear remarks, Western officials and analysts are likely at a loss. So I'll say it again: Russia has no plans to invade Ukraine and never has. There is no ulterior motivation or geostrategic goal here "Gatilov continued.

Britain has stepped its diplomatic efforts, with Foreign Secretary Liz Truss going to Moscow on Wednesday to try to ease tensions between Russia and Ukraine and warn that an invasion would have "huge ramifications for all involved."

"Russia has an option in this situation. We strongly urge them to engage, de-escalate, and take the diplomatic route "Before going on his first visit to Moscow, Truss stated.

After separate discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Monday and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev on Tuesday, more hopeful voices have emerged from Paris, with French President Emmanuel Macron saying he saw a way forward toward lowering tensions.

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