Roadmap towards making carbon neutral: Universities Work Towards cutting Carbon Footprint

On the occasion of fifth anniversary of the Paris Climate agreement, vice-chancellors of 12 leading universities and higher education institutions took a single-focused voluntary pledge called "Not zero, net zero" to develop the roadmap towards making their campuses carbon neutral.

From purchasing power from "green generators" to allowing only solar-operated vehicles for in-campus transportation and installing waste treatment plants in premises, universities and institutes across the country are taking strides to reduce their carbon footprint.

 Leading the way, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, became the first central government-funded technical institute to reduce its carbon footprint by more than 50 percent. "Open access provisions in Electricity Act 2003 have made it possible to buy power from generators of their choice through bilateral contracts or energy exchange, for large consumers of power like IIT Delhi. We made use of these provisions to its advantage by involving PTC India Ltd as a trader to identify a source of 'green' power. Buying 2 MW of power exclusively from 'green' generator is equivalent to off-setting about 14000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually," said IIT Delhi Director, V Rampgopal Rao.

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