Bhartiya Kisan Sangh distances itself from Bharat Bandh

New Delhi: Punjab-Haryana farmers have called for a Bharat Bandh on 8 December against agricultural laws brought by the Center. The sixth round of the meeting is to be held between the government and farmers on 9 December. In a press conference in Delhi, the farmer leaders calls for 'Chakka Jam' from  3 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon. During this time, there has been a warning to stop the supply of milk and vegetables.

However, the Bharatiya Kisan Sangh, belonging to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), has made a distance from the Bharat Bandh to be held on December 8. Indian Farmers Association says that they have decided to break away from this Bharat Bandh because political parties have joined it. According to the Indian Farmers Union, farmer organizations should democratically put their point before the government. The three laws related to agriculture that the government has brought, have three shortcomings, on which we have already submitted a memorandum to the government. To buy the crop of the farmer, all the traders have to register on a website.

The Indian Farmers Association said that this website will run under the supervision of the Government of India, so that no fake company can buy the crop of the farmer, whatever companies will buy the crop of the farmer, they should have a back guarantee, so that after three days of purchasing the crop If it is not paid, then pay it back. The union said that the MSP should be the same for the market and outside (minimum support price), that is, no one can buy the crop from the market and outside the farmer at a price below MSP. However, farmer organizations are adamant on withdrawing five laws / bills, including three laws related to agriculture.

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