Safe outdoor sports for kids to play in pandemic

In this pandemic, it's difficult to keep your kids safe and fit at the same time. As we all know the current circumstances aren't well and don’t allow us to play in the outdoors. Being stuck indoors comes with many side effects so we try to keep them indulge in physical activities. 

While they can’t take part in any team sports, there are certain sports they can play while maintaining social distance. Exercising and indulging in sports is beneficial for a child’s mental and physical development. Your child’s immunity will weaken, so to keep them physically active and fit, these are the sports your kids can play:


Badminton will maintain distance and not come in contact with your opponent. Make sure you are sanitizing the sports gear you play with.


Tennis is an easy sport to play while coronavirus. Your kids can enjoy a game of tennis outdoors.


Running is the best form of cardio for your kids. They can easily step out for a run in the neighborhood to burn their calories and keep fit.


Cycling is the best option. You can simply go out for a ride and enjoy the views while exerting yourself.

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