Know how India fell behind China in business

In the 15th century, India and China occupy the second position with almost a quarter of global trade. Around the 18th century, half of the global trade was under control. This dominance lasted until India was colonized by Britain in the 19th century. Communism was established in China when India got independence in the mid-twentieth century. Gradually, the gap in the global business grip of the two countries started deepening. When China became the world's factory on the basis of its manufacturing, India moved ahead in the service sector. Now once again the need for balance in the business of both countries is being felt.

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Indian economy had 24.5% share in the world income at the time of selling Indian goods through Eurasp through Lalsagar and sold by Arab traders. India was second only to China in terms of share in the global economy. By selling textiles, sugar, spices, mangoes, carpets, etc., it maintained its trade balance by buying gold and silver. Talking about China, the direct maritime trade between Europe and China began with the Portuguese. After this, other European countries also followed it. The trade between India and China was through the ground route.

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By the end of the century the annual income (17.5 million pounds) of the Mughals of India had exceeded the British budget. During the reign of Shah Jahan, more exports were being exported than imports. There was so much trade from Khambhat that three thousand sea ships used to come here every year. China dominated a quarter of global business. In 1637, the British established a trade post in Canton. After the relaxation of maritime trade in 1680, it continued to grow. By now Taiwan was under the Qing Empire.

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