“Serial Entrepreneur Tino Hernandez Aka Sharktino’s Journey from Military Service to Success in Sales and Cryptocurrency”

Tino Hernandez, also known as Sharktino, is a Serial entrepreneur from Phoenix, Arizona. Born and raised in Southern California, SharkTino moved to Arizona in 2004 and went on to serve the United States Army for seven years, including multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. After returning to Phoenix, SharkTino began his career in sales by getting a job at a local Kia dealership. Despite struggling in his first month, SharkTino persevered and received training from his managers and leaders, eventually becoming successful in the industry. In 2014, SharkTino made a risky investment in bitcoin and eventually traded it for a cryptocurrency called EUNO, which has become a leading force in the fintech field thanks to SharkTino's determination, negotiation skills, and business acumen. SharkTino has also become a coach and mentor to others, offering a variety of services such as e-commerce automation, social media growth and marketing tactics, coaching programs, and event planning. Sales has played a major role in SharkTino's life and he aims to help others achieve success in the field as well.

SharkTino who owns a variety of companies that operate in diverse industries. One of his companies, EUNO•, is focused on providing a real-time gateway for crypto to fiat transactions at point-of-sale systems. The company has partnered with BAANX in the United Kingdom to rollout NFC payments and EUNO•pay cards around the world. This partnership has allowed EUNO• to expand its reach and offer its services to a wider audience.

In addition to EUNO•, SharkTino also owns Apex Holdings, a real estate investment company that helps homeowners across the country sell their properties quickly and efficiently. Apex Holdings purchases properties in "as is" condition and pays cash, handling all fees and costs associated with the sale to help sellers maximize their transaction. This business model allows Apex Holdings to provide a valuable service to homeowners who may be facing financial or other challenges and need to sell their property quickly.

SharkTino also owns Apex Automations, a company that helps clients set up personalized e-commerce stores and services. This company has served over 2000 e-commerce stores for clients around the nation, providing a hands-off passive income solution.

Branding Apex is another one of SharkTino's companies, which helps influencers and businesses grow their digital footprint by providing exposure on multiple media outlets and social media platforms. This company leverages SharkTino's expertise in the digital marketing space to help its clients reach a larger audience and increase their online presence.

Dial Sharks is a company that provides a range of services to businesses in various industries, including the medical field, solar energy, and real estate acquisitions. The company has over 400 highly skilled agents who are trained to provide excellent service to businesses in need of assistance. Dial Sharks also offers administrative delegation and helps businesses scale with lead generation.

Finally, Shark Consulting is a company that specializes in helping businesses raise their bottom line by mentoring them and training their sales forces. The company helps businesses with strategic planning and the implementation of systems and processes, and Hernandez himself speaks on stages around the world about the latest strategies for direct-to-seller home sales.

Overall, Tino Hernandez, aka Sharktino, is a successful  serial entrepreneur who has built a diverse portfolio of companies that operate in a variety of industries. His businesses provide valuable services to their clients, and SharkTino's expertise and experience have helped him achieve success in the business world.

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