Shameless father raped his own mentally retarded daughter

Chandigarh: In Haryana's Rohtak, the police has taken into custody the father of a retarded daughter for raping her. The victim was 4 months pregnant which was revealed after a test at PGI. When the police matched the DNA of the fetus with the DNA of the culprit, it was uncovered. Police produced the culprit before the court on Sunday from where he has been sent to jail for judicial custody. While the girl has been sent to Mahila ashram.

Inspector Rajendra Singh, in-charge of Sampla police station, said that a person works as a hard worker and lives in the police station area along with his family. On February 10, 2021, he complained that his wife had passed away, while the son left home. There is a mentally retarded daughter at home for 30 years.

On February 8, he took his daughter to PGI due to health problems, where doctors have said that the daughter has been pregnant for 4 months. The doctors got the girl aborted after legal advice. Police registered a case of rape against the unidentified person and conducted an investigation. When the police did not find a clue to the incident, the girl's father became suspicious. He was included in the investigation.  This was followed by a DNA test of the girl, the girl's father, and the fetus. Now the DNA test reports have come out. The report revealed that the girl was raped by her father.

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