Side Effects of Amla: When you shouldn't use it?

'Amla' or 'Indian Gooseburry' is rich in antioxidants and has many benefits on the human body, but as with any medicine and therapies it has its side effects too.

Using Amla in excess could cause the following side effects:

# Bleeding

If you have a problem with bleeding easily, then you should be careful when consuming Amla because Amla can make the elasticity of the blood vessels increase helping in circulation. However, if you bleed easily this could cause a problem where you could bleed more and this could cause platelet aggregation to be reduced.

# Blood Sugar

Amla helps to lower blood sugar levels, and is a great medicine for diabetes. However, if it is taken in excess or incorrect dosage it could cause your blood sugar levels to dip suddenly which could be dangerous for a diabetic patient who already has a problem with sugar regulation.

# Liver Damage

Amla is a powerful antioxidant and is used to treat liver problems. But it could create liver problems due to the elevated levels of liver enzymes serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT)

# Constipation

Amla helps to treat diarrhea, but if taken in excess it causes the stool to harden. If you do not drink adequate water and balance it out it could leave you constipated.

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