Eating Apples has many disadvantages as well, know here!

You will usually hear about the benefits of eating an apple, but today, we are going to share with you the damage caused by it. Eating too many apples can also harm the body. If we consume apple in prescribed quantity, then we do not have to suffer any loss from it. People who are very fond of eating apples, it is important to know what can be the harm due to eating more apples.

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Apples are a very good source of carbohydrates, fiber and other nutrients. These carbohydrates are used for energy in the body. According to research, a medium-sized apple contains 25 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fiber. However, if we consume excessive apples, then the amount of fat in the body increases. Eating an apple on an empty stomach increases the amount of sugar. In such a situation, the right time to eat an apple is after eating.

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The thing to note here is that eating too much apple increases fat in the body as well as the sugar present in the blood, which is harmful to health. Therefore, a certain amount of apple must be consumed. Fructose is found in large quantities in apples. It is a type of sugar substance. It goes into the body and makes a syrup.

Interestingly, glucose goes into the blood in the body, but fructose is not available and remains only in the liver. Due to the accumulation of fructose, the body produces a fat called triglycerides which are responsible for heart problems. Consuming excessive apples increases their quantity in the body and hence the risk of heart related diseases also increases to a great extent.

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