Ravana, who raised Mount Kailash, could not break Shiva's bow because of this reason!

Many people have this question that when Ravana can lift Mount Kailash, how could Shiva's bow not be lifted by him and how did Lord Rama lift and break that bow? If you have this question in your mind, then let us tell you today why Ravan was not able to lift the bow.

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The bow was like this: Let me tell you that Lord Shiva's bow was very powerful and miraculous, and the bow of Shiva which he had made, the clouds burst and mountains started moving. At the same time, it seemed as if an earthquake had occurred. That bow was very powerful and the three towns of Tripurasura were demolished with an arrow. With this, the name of this bow was Pinak and after the end of the period of the Gods and Gods, this bow was handed over to Devraj Indra.

It is said that the Gods gave the ancestor of King Janak to Devraj, and among the ancestors of King Janak was the eldest son of Nimi, Devaraja. At the same time, Shiva-Dhanush was safe with Raja Janak as his heritage and no one had the ability to lift this giant bow, but Lord Rama lifted it and climbed it and broke it in one stroke. So now let us know why Ravana could not lift the bow.

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In Sriram Charitmanas, there is a footprint: -  "उठहु राम भंजहु भव चापा, मेटहु तात जनक परितापाI"

Meaning- Seeing Vishwamitra Janakji very upset and disappointed, he says to Shri Ramji that, O son Shri Ram, get up and "Bhav Sagar Rupi" Break this bow, take away Janak's suffering. "

There is a word in this chaupai, 'bhava chapa'. It means love and nirankar was not required to lift this bow but power. Yes, he was an elusive and divine bow and needed divine qualities to lift him, no egoist could lift him. You know Ravana was an egoistic man and he could lift Mount Kailash but not a bow. It is said that the time Ravana used to put power in that bow, that bow became heavier and all the kings were defeated by their power and arrogance, so no bow could lift it.

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At the same time, when Lord Shri Ram's turn came, he first bowed to Dhanush and after that, he revolved around Dhanush and gave him full respect. After doing this, he lovingly picked up Dhanush and climbed up his face and the bow itself broke as soon as he bowed it.

Due to this, Devthani Ekadashi is considered very special

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