These people are most at risk of TB, see if your name is included

Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that primarily affects your lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis spread from one person to another through tiny droplets left in the air through coughs and sneezes. Yes, and the problem of TB in India is much more than many other diseases. Many conditions cause TB infection, but the bacteria remain in an inactive state in your body and cause no symptoms. Yes and it is also called inactive TB or TB infection, which is not contagious. Although it can turn into active TB, it is necessary to treat the sufferer so as to help control the spread of TB. If you talk about active TB then this condition makes you sick and can spread to others in most cases. Yes and it could happen in the first few weeks after the TB bacterial infection, or years later.

Signs and symptoms of active TB- cough that lasts for three or more weeks. Apart from this, bloody cough, chest pain or pain with breathing or coughing, sudden weight loss, fatigue, fever, night sweating, chills and loss of appetite etc.  

Such people are at a higher risk of TB - According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, those suffering from HIV/AIDS, those who use IV drugs, those who are in contact with infected persons, are from a country where TB is common, such as many countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia, in people living or working in areas where TB is common, Such as a prison or nursing home.

TB patients should not eat these things even by mistake, otherwise...

TB patients should eat these things, will get rid of every disease

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