This boy spent 40 thousand rupees on a billboard to find a girl for dating

There are many people all over the world who are single and are also worried about being single. The same has happened with a boy who has tried many dating apps, has also took advice from his friends but is still single. We are talking about this guy from the UK who got himself a big billboard (advertisement) when he found no one to date. His idea was successful too and he got proposals of more than 100 girls.

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It is shocking but true. The name of this person is Mark Rofe and he has spent about 40 thousand rupees and got a big hoarding on the road of Manchester. In that, he put a photo in the lying pose and wrote- "Single? This may be the sign you are waiting for". In this hoarding, he also gave information about the website, where girls can approach him for dating. People are commenting fiercely on this idea and some liked it very much and some even wished him good luck. He has also shared a video of himself on Twitter and in this video, he is seen standing near his billboard.

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In a recent interview given to the BBC, he told that "Even on many dating apps, when he did not find anyone, he talked about making a billboard while talking to his friend. He did the same at the behest of a friend and It worked too. You can also try this if you want."

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