Some very important tips to stay healthy

If you incorporate some of the tips we have mentioned in your life style then you can always be healthy.

1- Often people consume heavy food in the dinner, we tell you that during night time heavy food is difficult to digest, which can cause problems in digestion. So avoid eating heavy things at night, just eat salad.

2- Many people have a habit that they keep running mobile for a long time while sleeping, but using the phone at night, the mind does not remain stable due to which there is trouble in sleeping. So do not use mobile at night at all.

3- If you sleep late in the night and get up late in the morning, it can harm your health very much, so always sleep in time at night and get up early in the morning and make routine of doing exercises and meditation etc.

4- Many people like to eat junk food and fast foods, but these things can cause great harm to your health, so add nutritious things like green leafy vegetables, salads, juices and fruits to your food.

5- Before bathing, massage your body with coconut oil or olive oil. Doing so keeps your body in motion. As well as with regular massage, the problems associated with the skin are also removed.

Also read:

Basil leaves can sharpen your mind

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