How to Do a Pedicure at Home to Remove Tan, Follow these tips

Sometimes, you may have noticed that you have a new tan design that imitates your footwear. In this case, the legs become very tan. If your feet are bare, these marks seem to be very ugly. But it can't be overcome by a pedicure.  So you need to take special measures to remove the tanning of your feet. So know about that remedy.

* Packs of lemon and honey

Lemons contain acidic elements that act like natural bleaches just like orange peels. Honey, on the other hand, has excellent moisturizing properties.

* Method of creating and applying packs

Add one teaspoon of honey to the lemon juice.

Now add 1 teaspoon of milk powder.

Mix well and apply it on your feet.

Allow to dry for 20 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.

One thing to keep in mind is that you should apply sunscreen on your face as well as on your feet before going out in the sun.

* Pack of orange peels and milk Orange peels act like natural bleach, thus clearing dark sunglasses on the skin of the feet. Milk contains lactic acid that separates dead cells from the top of the skin. Moisturizing elements of milk make the skin of the feet soft and soft.

* Method of creating and applying packs Dry the orange peels in the sun and then add them to the mixer and make powder.

Now add 4-5 teaspoons of milk and make a paste.

Place this paste on your feet for 20-25 minutes.

Wash with lukewarm water when dried.

Dry your feet with a towel and apply moisturizer.

Apply this pack thrice a week for good results.

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