This disease has killed 18 lakh Indians before 'Corona'

Presently, the entire world has been caught by the Coronavirus. Now the pandemic brings a 360 degree change in our social, economic and cultural system in living. We are watching all this today. How permanent these changes are able to take shape, it is still ingrained in the trough of the future, but based on the experiences of the past, a picture of the permanent impact of Covid-19 can be presented.

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Spanish flu spread in 1918 took five crore lives. It was 2.5% of the world's population. 18 lakh Indians were killed in it. This was the highest number of deaths in any country. It shook the world in its three attacks. Its first but mild outbreak occurred in the early months of 1918. In the last days of August, another fatal strike took place. In the early months of 1919, its third and last attack took place, the magnitude of which was mixed in the first and second stages.

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In the 13 weeks between mid-September and mid-December 1918, it claimed the most lives. After the Black Death epidemic in the 14th century, it was the most dangerous epidemic ever known in human history. Spanish Flu and Covid-19 are different diseases, but have many similarities. Exhale through the breath. Touching the surface causes infection. Both are virus borne. Both are very contagious. Both are called crowd diseases.

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