Stomach Ache? Try these remedies and feel better

Stomach ache also broadly known as abdominal pain are tricky things to find remedies for unless you know the cause.

Assuming you are dealing with an uncomplicated stomach ache, these remedies will help bring relief!


Bananas are one of the most common foods to ease stomach ache, but it is not known, that more ripe the banana is the easier it is to digest and soothe the stomach.


Rice is a top food to aid in digestion and is powerful at helping with cramps. Rice contains high amounts of magnesium and potassium, which both will relieve cramps and reduce pain. Rice is also high in resistant starch which means it can soak up toxins and whisk them out of the body and will give you a soothing effect.


Toast won’t cause acid reflux. It doesn’t have salt or spices which can further aggravate the symptoms. It can help nausea and diarrhoea. It contains low-fibre.


Soothe your stomach with some clear broth based soup like chicken or vegetable. Both chicken and vegetable broths are light and nutritious, so they can help relieve stomach ache, nausea and diarrhoea.


Ginger is another useful ingredient when you’re trying to soothe your stomach. Ginger is well known to help nausea, but it also has calming effects on stomach aches as well.

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