Supreme Court judge praised PM Modi, bar association landed in protest

New Delhi: Justice Arun Mishra of the Supreme Court of India has been involved in controversies by praising PM Narendra Modi last week. Differences have deepened in the top lawyers of the top court regarding his statement. According to the news agency PTI, the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) has given a message to its president Dushyant Dave in which a 'proposal' has been said.

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This 'proposal' was in the headlines because it was allegedly signed by those who were upset with Justice Mishra's statement. Later this 'proposal' was rebutted and SCBA General Secretary Ashok Arora claimed that no such 'proposal' has been passed. He also said that the statement that is going on in the media does not have his signature.

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In fact, Justice Mishra had praised PM Modi at the International Judicial Conference last week. Justice Mishra described PM Modi as "rich in internationally acclaimed visionary" and "versatility" who "thinks globally and works at the local level". The lawyers' body SCBA said in a statement that these comments have been taken cognizance with a deep sense of anguish and anxiety.

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