Supreme Court permits Maharashtra To Conduct Bullock Cart Races

New Delhi: The Supreme Court permitted the continuation of the bullock-cart race in Maharashtra on Thursday, subject to the same rules and regulations as those set down in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu's state amendments to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act. The constitutionality of the Maharashtra amendments, along with those of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, would be considered by the constitution court, according to a panel led by Justice AM Khanwilkar. Since 2018, a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court has been debating the constitutionality of state amendments in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

In 2014, the Supreme Court of India outlawed Jallikattu, bull-races, and bullock-cart races across the country, citing violations of the PCA Act. The PCA Act was altered in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu to allow regulated bull races, which are currently being challenged in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court was hearing a request from the Maharashtra government to allow it to hold a bullock-cart race on par with Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

In February 2018, the Supreme Court referred the 'Jallikattu' cases to a five-judge Constitution Bench, which will assess whether the bull-taming sport violated cultural rights or perpetuated animal cruelty.

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