Surprising case of love jihad came to the fore from Nashik, you will be shocked to know

Nashik: A shocking incident of love jihad has come to light from Nashik, Maharashtra. An 18-year-old Hindu girl named Nikita, a resident of Niphad taluka of the district, was forcibly taken away by a married Raees Sayyed, who runs a grocery shop in the same area, in a vehicle on May 27. In her statement to the police, the victim said that Raees is married and father of one child, but even after this, he continued to harass her. The culprit always harassed the victim by saying that he liked her very much and wanted to marry her.

Not only this, the criminal also threatened her that if she did not get married, he would ruin her life. Not only this, the criminal man also called the girl's mother several times and made such threats and messages. Meanwhile, on May 27, when the victim Nikita was going to a computer class, she was forcibly abducted by the criminal. The criminal abducted Nikita and took her directly to Ajmer and then took her to Taragarh Dargah.

After that, the criminal then boarded a Dadar-bound train to Mumbai and reached Mumbai and went to his sister's house at Ambernath in Thane. Where Ambernath police arrested Raees Sayyed. Subsequently, the Niphad police of Nashik also reached the spot and took the culprit into their custody. Nikita was taken into custody and handed over to the family and on Thursday, the Niphad police registered an FIR against the culprit Raees. The police have registered a case against the accused under sections 363, 366, 354(D), 506 IPC, Section 3(2)(v), 3(2)(va), Section 12 and POCSO Act.

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