Symptoms of heart attack are different in women

These are common symptoms of chest pain and a heart attack. But you may not know that these symptoms are different in men and in women. However, women also notice many other symptoms of the disease, which are often considered to be common diseases and are later proved fatal. According to a report, one in three women die each year from a heart attack. That's what we're going to talk about today.

1. Severe abdominal pain and excessive sweating are also a symptom of it. Especially when you sweat cold, go to your doctor and do a checkup.

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2. Feel back pain or stretch with pain in hands and jaws, so do not take it lightly. Check up immediately as soon as these symptoms appear.

3. Vomiting or trouble like nausea or head-scratching can be a symptom of a heart attack. Check it out and consult your doctor.

4. If your breath starts to swell suddenly or feel tired or untired, it indicates that you may have a heart attack.

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Take these precautions To avoid this, you should have a regular checkup after the age of 30. Also control your weight. Check blood pressure regularly. Take special care of food and eat foods like soybean, peeled lentils and rajma, in addition to fibre-rich leafy vegetables, which will keep the body in a position to maintain estrogen hormones. Keep the salt, sugar and saturated fat scarce in the food low. Exercise regularly.

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