The world is struggling with many disasters along with the coronavirus

New Delhi: On one hand, the fear of the epidemic like coronavirus is increasing in every corner of the country, on the other hand, the story of accidents and crime that is flourishing across the country has become a cause of great trouble for the common people today. Every day, these stories and stories of crime have created a rage in the hearts and minds of the people, every day some news comes on it, after which the atmosphere of panic and fear is increasing in the people. Is, there is only one question arising in everyone's mind today, whether we are safe in our homes now or not. At the same time, the whole world is still struggling with the corona epidemic of 2019 and 20. Apart from the storm of Amphon in the midst of Corona infection, the Earth has also rocked many times due to earthquake. However, if the seasonal events that scientists say are normal, if they are continuously exposed in the form of a cycle, then their interpretation is different. 2020 is also seen as a year of natural disasters.

According to information received from sources, on Friday, two tremors were felt in some areas of the country including Delhi-NCR within an hour. Its center was Rohtak in Haryana. The earthquake struck for the fifth time in two months. According to the National Seismology Center (NCS), the first shock came at 9:08 pm, which recorded a magnitude of 4.6 on the Richter scale. At the same time, there was an earthquake again at 10 o'clock at night, whose intensity was recorded 2.9. According to the NCS, the earthquake came about five kilometers below the ground. Its tremors were also felt in Haryana and Punjab. However, no damage is reported from it.

Mild earthquake tremors have been felt many times in the last 2 months, whose center has been Delhi or NCR. This is the third earthquake in Delhi-NCR in May. Earlier on April 12 and 13, 10 and 15 May there were earthquakes in Delhi-NCR. At the same time, on May 25, there was an earthquake twice in Manipur at a difference of 13 minutes.

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