Kashmir Files: Terrorist who himself confessed to 20 murders, released by court on bail

New Delhi: Nowadays, there is a discussion everywhere about the film The Kashmir Files in the country. It depicts the pain of eviction of Kashmiri Pandits, which they had suffered many years ago. At the same time, there is a character in this film that people are curious about, who is he after all? In fact, we are talking about the terrorist Farooq Ahmad Dar alias Bitta Karate. Nowadays, an old video of the same Bitta Karate is also going viral on the internet.  

The real name of Bitta Karate is Farooq Ahmad Dar, who was a dreaded terrorist of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF). It is said that Farooq Ahmad Dar was a fast-paced karate player, so he started calling him Bitta Karate. The same Bitta Karate, who carried out several murders, later emerged as a separatist leader who talked about resolving the issue through dialogue. According to media reports, Bitta Karate had gone to Pakistan and underwent terrorist training. He learned how to operate weapons in terror camps built across the border and also underwent martial arts training. After many years, he returned to Kashmir and became involved in anti-national activities. Then slowly he started shedding blood in Kashmir. Bitta Karate had said in an interview that he became a terrorist fed up with the local administration.

Bitta joined the JKLF after becoming a karate terrorist. Then he started putting people to death, mostly Kashmiri Pandits. After this massacre, Bitta Karate was arrested in the year 1990. Bitta Karate admitted to committing more than 20 murders in front of the media, but in court, he retracted from his own claims. Bitta was then released on bail by a TADA court in 2006 for want of evidence. While releasing Bitta on bail, the court said in its observation that there are baseless charges against the accused, but the prosecution failed to provide concrete evidence. The accused who should have been punished is being released on bail. After coming out of jail, Bitta Karate again took over the reins of the JKLF and then came out as a separatist leader.

After the Pulwama attack, Bitta was arrested by the NIA in 2019 on terror funding charges. After this, the central government banned the JKLF i.e. The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front. Several separatist leaders were then jailed for their alleged involvement in anti-national activities.

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