The secret to the end of the world is hidden in the third eye of Lord Shiva, find out how did it come?

We are all well aware that the Dev Mahadev has not two but three eyes. According to ancient belief, he uses his third eye when creation is destroyed. Do you know how Lord Shiva got the third eye? The secret is very deep and interesting.

According to the sixth section of the Mahabharata, the discipline festival shows how Shivaji got the third eye and, according to legend, Narada Ji once tells about the conversation between Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati and that hides the secret of the Trinity in this conversation. What happened.

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Narad Ji says that once Lord Shiva was holding a meeting on the Himalayas and it included all the deities, rishis and munis. It was only then that Mata Parvati came to the meeting and covered both the eyes of Lord Shiva with both her hands for her entertainment. As soon as Mata Parvati covered the eyes of Lord Shiva, darkness was engulfed everywhere in the world. Later on, it seemed as if the Sun God did not exist and existed. Then there was a disturbance in all the animals on earth. After all, this state of the world was not seen by Lord Shiva and he revealed a luminous body on his forehead, which became the third eye of Lord Shiva.

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