These amazing foods will help unclog your 'Arteries'

We all want to live a long life and eating these simple foods will help unclog your arteries


Instead of using mayonnaise on your sandwhich, try using thin slices of avocado. People who ate avocado everyday for about one week experienced an average 17 % drop in blood cholesterol. Their level of LDL cholesterol decreased and HDL cholesterol increased.


One of the best vegetables for clearing arteries. Asparagus is full of fiber and minerals. Asparagus can help to lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots that can cause serious cardiovascular illness.


Broccoli is loaded with vitamin K that helps to prevent calcification or hardening of arteries. This healthy veggie also offers a heart healthy dose of fiber which helps to normalize blood pressure and reduce stress that may cause tears in arterial walls.


Pomegranate naturally stimulates production of nitric oxide in the blood which helps to open arteries and regulate blood pressure.


Just one tablespoon of ground cinnamon per day can work to reduce cholesterol levels while at the same time clearing and preventing plague build up. Cinnamon is full of antioxidants which further improve cardiosvascular health by protecting blood from damaging oxidation.


Cranberries are another antioxidant food which can help to improve cardiovascular health by reducing LDL and raising HDL cholesterol levels.

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