Avoid these foods if you are suffering from 'Migraine'
Avoid these foods if you are suffering from 'Migraine'

Headaches after eating are caused by foods that trigger migraines.

Follow a migraine diet and see which foods to avoid.


Sulphites used as preservatives in red wine have been linked to migraine headaches. Alcohol in any drink causes increased blood flow to your brain and can also result in dehydration, both of which might be headache triggers. Alcohol will also trigger a headache with someone going through a cluster of headaches.


A little caffeine can actually help get rid of a migraine headache, and caffeine may be included in some migraine medications, but too much of caffeine is not good.


There is not much research on cheese as a migraine trigger, but it is agreed that aged cheese is more likely to cause a headache. A substance called tyramine that forms as the proteins in cheese break down over time.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits and juices can trigger migraines in people who are particularly sensitive to a food factor in citrus known as synephrine. Sour fruits are highly acidic and can disturb the pH balance of your blood, which on reaching your brain may trigger headache. Citrus fruits also contain histamines and small quantities of tyramine that add on to other triggers.

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