Israelis launch protest against PM Benjamin, demanding resignation

Jerusalem: Thousands of Israelis protested outside PM Benjamin Netanyahu's official residence on Saturday. The protesters are demanding the resignation of Benjamin Netanyahu. It has been revealed that Netanyahu has been accused of cheating, breach of trust and taking bribes in a series of scams involving wealthy allies and media moguls. There have been protests against Benjamin from the last four.

It has been revealed that PM Netanyahu is not naming the hardships. Thousands of Israeli protestors gathered outside their residence in central Jerusalem last Saturday. The protestors are demanding resignation from Netanyahu for his trial on corruption charges and for not properly handling the situation in the Kovid epidemic. In Israel, new cases of the Kovid virus are coming up in a record number every day. It is feared that a nationwide lockdown can be imposed here this week.

Protestors have been performing outside Netanyahu's residence every Saturday through the whole summer. The demonstration has begun in protest against the ongoing corruption case against Netanyahu. Demonstrations have also begun over the health crisis caused by Kovid. Several protestors have been arrested by the police in the month of August. On the other hand, Netanyahu has not given special attention to the protestors and described them as leftist and anarchist.

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