Tiger cub died in Pench Tiger Reserve, second accident in ten days

In Madhya Pradesh, on the one side, Corona has created a furor and on the other side, disturbing news is coming from Seoni district Pench Tiger Reserve. The body of a male tiger cub has been found on Saturday in the Karmazhiri core area of Pench Tiger Reserve (PTR) in Seoni district. This is the second time in the last 10 days that a tiger baby was found dead.

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In this regard, PTR area director Vikram Singh Parihar said, "A team patrolling Bison Beet in Karmazhiri core area of the reserve on Saturday noticed the body of a tiger aged one and a half years. This cub is 'Callerwali', the third and last child of the famous tigress by name. "

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He added, "The patrolling team saw two cubs along with the injured tigress. After that the team started searching for the third cub on suspicion, after which the body was found." This time Vikram Singh told The patrolling team that was searching found the body of the five-day-old cub. He said that it is feared that the cub may die during a fight with an adult tiger present in the area. The tigress may have been injured while trying to save her child.

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