Tips for a happy sleep

Sleeping is definitely a passion for some of us.

And such passionate sleepaholics can skip anything but not their sleep.

Well, sleeping is, of course, a necessity, but there is a limit to its requirement, when you overdo it, the impact could be negative.

Therefore to perform better, you need the adequate amount of sleep and rest.

And for that, you need to analyze and conclude, exactly how many hours of sleep do you require.

Here are certain steps you need to follow:

1. Analyse the hours: On a weekend, say Saturday, turn the alarm off.

Sleep at your regular time. On the next morning, let yourself wake up without an alarm clock, naturally.

Calculate the hours you slept. Now that exactly is the amount of time you require for sleeping.


2. Put in your earplugs: Let them keep you away from the noise of the world and not let the world distract you from your motive to sleep.


3. Take a hot shower if you don’t feel like sleeping. Heat induces sleep and therefore a hot shower could help you sleep.


4. Let your feet open. Keep them out of the covers, to let you sleep better. You must understand that your body requires to be at a low temperature while sleeping. Hence this trick could definitely work.


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