Tips to have a better work life balance

In these days you might hear about the concept of work life balance but do you know that it is very important to have a good work life balance as it directly affect your productivity and efficiency at work place.

Family and work both are equally important and these days even the organization introduce different policies in order to make their employee to spend time with their families and friends. As according to a study employee with a good work life balance is more productive than others.

What is work life balance

Work-life balance is often used to describe a trade-off. You balance the time spent on work projects versus time spent with family, friends, and personal interests. It can also refer to the level of flexibility team members feel they have. Work-life balance encompasses everything that goes into a well-lived life. A report suggests that many women view life and work holistically. As a result, they look for employers who can encourage and support them as people, not just as employees but work life balance is not only for women these days men are also switching for a job which help them to maintain a proper work life balance.

If you want to have a proper work life balance then follow these tips which will help you to manage your time and spend time with your family members.

Use your breaks:

If you have a lunch break at your place of work, it’s your right to use it. This means you shouldn’t be expected to always eat at your desk and work through lunch. You can also do short meditations or breathing exercises if your stress levels are high or experience, small call to your child, parents or partner.

Be flexible: You can also ask your boss about flexible working hours. Having open, honest conversations about your needs and those of your employer and team can lead to productive solutions. Those can include flextime, a compressed workweek schedule, job sharing, and other creative options.

 Learn to say “no”: Learning how to say no can be one of the hardest and put into practice. But it’s an important part of setting boundaries. To start, you must first assess the typical demands of your day and learn to articulate and prioritize what you have on your plate. It can be helpful to recognize that saying “no” to things that are less of a priority frees up time and energy to say “yes” and attend to other things that are important to you.

Detach from work. Working from home or frequently using technology to connect to work when you're at home can cause you to feel like you're always on the job. This can lead to chronic stress. Seek guidance from your manager about expectations for when you can disconnect. If you work from home, dress for work and have a quiet dedicated workspace to manage interruption.

Volunteering: It is a great way to stay social and build interpersonal connections. Encouraging the employees to volunteer for social causes helps them de-stress and commit socially. You can guide other employees, a good conversation is best to refresh your mood.

Proper Planning: Planning the day-to-day activities at work is another way for managing a good balance between life and work. It helps individuals to prioritize their actions following the importance of a task. Moreover, adhering to a well-laid plan also helps save a lot of time at work. Thus, allowing them to focus on things other than work or take it to rejuvenate themselves.

Adopt these tips in your life and have better work life balance. Give equal importance to  work, family, friend and yourself.

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