Use public toilet seats like this to avoid UTI infection

It has often been seen that an infection occurs after using a public toilet. You will be surprised to know that there are many people who urinate without touching the seat of the toilet seat cover and they do not have an infection. In fact, there are some women who use the restroom comfortably without fear of infection because they have found a smart way to deal with the germs and bacteria present on the toilet seat and what is that method? That is the way of squatting. Some women make squat positions while using public restrooms. So that their butt does not touch the toilet seat.

These health problems are related to estrogen hormones in women, know The thing to note is that semi-squatting while using the toilet is not healthy for your health. This is because when you do a semi-squat, your muscles cannot fully relax and the pelvic muscles do not get into their natural form. Your bladder is not completely empty during semi-squatting and some urin remains inside, which makes you more prone to UTI. Another effective solution which you can easily avoid UIT without suffering any problems. Whenever you go out, keep toilet paper with you.

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