Try these 3 facial exercises to get rid face fat

People work out to lose weight from arms, legs, belly fat, but they often forget about face. While you continue your regular diet and workout, facial exercises can help in reducing fat from your face. Facial exercises can help in burning fat from the face, though it is important to follow a proper diet and exercise the whole body if you aim to lose weight from your face. You can try these facial exercises to get rid of the fat from face.

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The giraffe- This exercise is helpful in toning the neck and the chin area. Place your palms on the neck and gently move your fingers downward from the upper part of the neck to the lower part, while tilting your head backwards. Place your hands on the collar bone and make a pout with your mouth and hold it.

Vowel sounds - Narrating the vowels A, E, I, O, U in an exaggerated manner is one of the best exercises for your mouth, chin and lips. It relaxes the muscles and you can actually feel them contract and relax. You can also just say O and E one after the other to produce the same effect.

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Acupressure - The acupressure points helps improving circulation to your face, toning the muscles and helping in burning fat. The midpoint between your brows is the point that can help reduce stress and avoid skin ageing. Another pressure point exists from your chin to the jawline that you can just pinch and release to reduce tension in the muscles of the face. 

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