This is how caffeine reflects on our weight
This is how caffeine reflects on our weight

Coffee is one of the most popular bevarages in the world. For some people, coffee is not just a beverage, but an emotion.  It helps people in kee going even on bad days and when they are stressed or worked up, all they want is a cup of good, brewed coffee to make things easier for them. Besides delivering different health benefits it also affect on our weight. It is a natural stimulant and is known to help in weight loss. Coffee increases metabolic rate helps mobilize fat from fat tissues and also boosts energy which helps in exercising better and burning more calories.

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while initially, coffee may have effects on your weight, you will notice that in the long run, it does not produce the same effects. This happens because your body becomes too immune or used to such effects of caffeine.

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The caffeine present in the coffee can also cause problems like increased heart rate and blood pressure, insomnia, nervousness, trembling of hands, etc. A moderate amount of caffeine consumption is safe for healthy adults. However, if you have any existing health condition or are trying to avoid them, a regulated amount of caffeine is the way to go.

You should not take  overdose of caffeine as it will aid weight loss because, after a while, it might not.


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