Tuberculosis: Signs, Causes, Treatments and Prevention !

Tuberculosis is a cause for concern in many developing countries and is the chief cause of death. Tuberculosis is higher in urban areas than rural areas due to the population and unhealthy living conditions.


The common symptoms of TB are loss of appetite, weight, irregular fever, persistent cough and swelling on the back of the neck. TB can remain in the body for a long time before it shows any symptoms.


TB spreads through secretions during coughing or sneezing. It is caused by a bacteria that spreads usually in crowded areas.


DOTS (Directly Observed Therapy Short Course) is the treatment given to a person suffering from TB, where he is kept under observation to make sure that the person is taking the medication in the right combination and duration. If not, the TB may relapse.

Preventive measures

The BCG (Bacille Calmmette Guein) is a vaccine that is given to an infant within ten days of birth to prevent TB

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