Wearing Rudraksha or Tulsi garland will give positive results

Many types of garlands are used in worship, chanting of mantras and religious rituals. People belonging to different sects and traditions wear garlands of Rudraksha to Tulsi. Let's know the benefits of sandalwood, especially for the tilak of Gods and Goddesses, the coldness of Chand is cool. Sandalwood applied on the forehead as the same prasad gives divine grace to both mind and body by providing coolness. This sandalwood garland is specially used in mantra chanting during sadhana in Vaishnava tradition. In the cultivation of Shakti, with the garland of red sandalwood, there is chanting the mantra of Lord Krishna with the garland of white sandalwood. The desire of chanting of this garland is completed very quickly. A garland of rhinestone, which looks like a garland of rhinestones, is also specially used for chanting mantra etc. The mind of the person holding this garland remains calm. Due to the effect of this garland, person does not have any kind of negative power. It get success in every field. Rhinestone beads are specially used in worshiping Goddess Saraswati. The garland of rhinestones provides both money and strength.

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The seekers of the Mala-Shaivite tradition of Rudraksha are always wearing Rudraksha in their body to get the grace of their worship. In the practice of Shiva, the garland of Rudraksha is specially used for chanting mantra. Lord Shiva is pleased very quickly by chanting the mantra with the rosary of Rudraksha. However, the garland of the sacred Rudraksha used exclusively in the worship of Lord Shiva is also used in chanting for other deities. This garland is specially used in the practice of its presiding deity under the Mala-Vaishnav tradition of Vyjayanthi. Lord Krishna loved this garland very much. Vaishnava devotees especially wear this garland to get the blessings of Lord Krishna. Lord Vishnu is pleased and fulfills the wishes of his devotees by chanting mantras with the garland of Vyjayanthi.

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The enemy also behaves like a friend by wearing this garland. Chanting Lord Shri Narayana with this garland leads to an increase in confidence and success in all tasks. Turmeric is specially used in auspicious works of worship in the Mala-Sanatan tradition of turmeric. Turmeric used in food is not only related to health but also, fortunately. Lord Shri Ganesh and Devguru Jupiter is pleased immediately after chanting with turmeric garland. This garland is specially chanted for the attainment of children and knowledge. Chanting Mother Baglamukhi with a garland of turmeric gives them quick grace.

Mahashivratri 2020: After worshipping Lord Shiva for 60 years, such special yoga has come Tulsi has been considered a highly sacred plant in the Mala-Sanatan tradition of Tulsi. People associated with Vaishnava tradition not only use its leaf in the offerings of God but also wear its garland especially. It is believed that wearing Tulsi garland and chanting mantras of Lord Vishnu and Krishna increases fame and prosperity. On chanting with this holy rosary, the seeker gains the virtue of performing many yagyas. The person wearing this garland, while being sattvic, has to follow all the rules. The garland of Kamalgatta - the desire for wealth and splendor in life is fulfilled only with the blessings of Mother Lakshmi. The worship of Goddess Lakshmi should be done with complete law. The garland of the lotus leaf is used for accomplishment of the mantras of Maa Lakshmi. By chanting the mantra of this garland, Mata Lakshmi immediately becomes happy and offers a blessing of happiness and prosperity to the seeker. Therefore, if you are financially troubled and you do not have money even after all the efforts, then wear the garland of Kamalgatta in law and chant the mantra of Maa Lakshmi with this garland.

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