People with type 2 diabetes can keep Navratri fast in this way

After diabetes, special attention needs to be given to the diet. They are forbidden to fast and eat sweet things so that there is no problem with this disease. Diabetes causes more problems than not eating at the right time. By the way, Navratri is starting from 29 September and in this way most people fast. Many people have a question that can patients of type 2 diabetes also observe Navratri fast? So here you can know how to take care during this.

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Seek advice from a doctor Health is not the same all the time in diabetes or diabetes. The important thing for this is that a diabetes patient should consult their doctor a few days before fasting.

Before any diabetic patient should keep a healthy diet plan to eat during the fast with his diet experts before keeping Navratri fast. Diet experts suggest healthy food based on calories and nutrients.

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What are the things that a diabetic patient can consume during the fast People observe two types of fasts in Navratri, some people consume only water or liquids. So some people include fruits and other food ingredients in their diet. If you are a victim of diabetes, then you cannot just fast on water or liquids.

Diabetes patients must include some food and fruits at the time of fasting. According to your age and physical needs, consult a doctor for the amount you should do.

Foods made with vegetables like nuts, fruits and gourd are beneficial for diabetes patients. To give energy to the body, porridge can also be made by mixing wheat-dal.

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What foods not to eat Whether or not you have diabetes at the time of fasting, everyone should not consume such a substance, which gives more trouble during digestion. In such a situation, you should stay away from foods with high oil and spices.

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