Ukraine to receive high-velocity anti-aircraft missile systems Starstreak from UK

London: Following an extraordinary meeting of NATO defence leaders on Wednesday, the United Kingdom said that it will send Ukraine with high-velocity anti-aircraft missile systems known as Starstreak with other military equipment.

"Defense Ministers agreed to continue supplying considerable military supplies to Ukraine, including both deadly and non-lethal help, during the meeting. The UK Defence Secretary stated that the UK will give Starstreak, a high-velocity anti-aircraft missile system that will complement the UK Armed Forces' other military help, which includes over 4,000 anti-tank missiles "In a statement, the ministry added.

According to the ministry, Ben Wallace stated that the United Kingdom and its partners will continue to back Ukraine in its fight against Russia's military action.

To strengthen its commitments in Eastern Europe, the ministry added that it has recently doubled the number of troops in Estonia, sent the patrolling vessel HMS Trent and the air defence destroyer HMS Diamond to the Eastern Mediterranean, and is conducting joint air policing missions in Romanian and Polish airspace.

After the breakaway Donbas republics "appealed for help" in defending themselves against the Ukrainian military, Russia initiated an incursion in Ukraine on February 24. As a result, Western countries have launched a broad anti-Moscow sanctions campaign.

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