UNEA to announce binding resolutions to manage plastic pollution

NAIROBI: According to a senior UN Environment Programme (UNEP) source, the UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA) in Nairobi will announce binding decisions on the management of plastic pollution.

Susan Gardner, Director of UNEP's ecosystems division, on Thursday stated that the conversations that started with the global programme of action in the past will be finished during the global environmental assembly, planned to be conducted between February 28 and March 2.

"By the year 2050, the resolutions have a vision to minimise increasing marine pollution," Gardner said at a press conference in Nairobi.  She went on to say that the conference comes after a ministerial meeting on marine litter and plastic pollution in September 2021, which drew 75 countries and resolved to take action.

Several publications, including those on noise pollution, wildfires, and current shifts in weather seasons, will be launched during the conference, which has the subject "Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Goals," according to Daniel Cooney, UNEP's Director of Communication. 62 countries have confirmed physical presence, while 34 countries and hundreds of stakeholders are participating virtually, according to Cooney.

According to Mohamed Atani, Head of Communication and Outreach at UNEP's Africa Office, Africa will assume the presidency of the assembly during the conference, which is now held by Sveinung Rotevatn, Norway's Minister of Environment and Climate.

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