Britain: Hurricane 'Dennis' havoc continues, high alert in these areas

Dennis' hurricane is most commonly seen in Britain. Due to this there is a loss of extensive property. Rescuers have recovered the bodies of two people from the coast of southeast England. Due to flood warning, military personnel are busy making blockers. Britain's Meteorological Department has named this fourth storm of the season as 'Dennis'. It is believed that this storm is more deadly than the Siara storm that came last week. Police said that after searching for about seven hours, the body of a person was taken out on Saturday through a lifeboat.

Regarding this storm, AP report says that the help of Royal Navy ship was also taken in search of dead bodies. Another body was exhumed on Saturday afternoon. Police is trying to identify the dead bodies. On the other hand, the Meteorological Department has warned of floods at 68 places across England. While flood warnings have been issued by the weather agencies in 40 places in Scotland and 10 places in Wales.

For your information, let us tell you that meteorologists have called it one of the dangerous North Atlantic storms. On Saturday, 234 flights were canceled in the UK due to this. In the UK on Saturday morning, winds reached 70 km per hour and 100 mm of rain was recorded in some areas. The Meteorological Department has predicted up to 5.5 inches of rain in Wales, Pennines and Yorkshire. The environmental agency said that flooding caused by rain on already marshy ground could lead to worse conditions than previous Hurricane Sierra.

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