UK MP says this regarding China's National Security Act

England MP Stewart McDonald has called on the UK government against China over Hong Kong's autonomy. Stewart, a member of the Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee, said China's national security law would violate Hong Kong's autonomy. This law is going to end Hong Kong independence. The way this law is defined, there will be no right to protest in Hong Kong. He said that I tell the UK government to encourage the courage of the protesters and put an end to China's hooliganism.

In his statement, the MP said that a sense of uncertainty has arisen in Hong Kong. Their future is in danger. Hong Kong citizens can be punished with harsh penalties and fines for expressing dissatisfaction. Beijing may establish its military and intelligence operations in Hong Kong following the new security law. People who have voiced independence in Hong Kong will have to face tear gas, rubber bullets, police brutality and torture.

Apart from this, critics say that the law will destroy civil liberties. Which Hong Kong residents get under the 'one country, two systems' agreement. The United Kingdom handed over Hong Kong to China in 1997. McDonald said the law was a tyrannical attack on human rights and the agreement between China and Britain, known as the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

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