US general: Russian military deaths in Ukraine exceed 100,000

Washington: On Wednesday, the top general of the United States estimated that more than 100,000 Russian soldiers had been killed or injured in Ukraine. He also stated that Kyiv's armed forces "probably" suffered a comparable number of casualties.

Reuters was unable to independently verify the estimates.

However, Milley's comments provide the highest U.S. estimate of casualties in the conflict's nearly nine-month history and come as Ukraine and Russia prepare for a possible winter lull in fighting that, according to experts, could present a chance for some sort of negotiations.

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When asked about the likelihood of diplomacy in Ukraine, Milley pointed out that the war's early refusal to negotiate increased suffering and resulted in millions more deaths.

Therefore, seize the moment when there is a chance to negotiate or when peace can be achieved, Milley advised the Economic Club of New York.

An important setback for Moscow and potential turning point in the conflict came earlier on Wednesday when Russia announced its troops would leave the west bank of the Dnipro River close to the important southern Ukrainian city of Kherson.

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According to some experts, Moscow's most recent setback may give Ukraine the opportunity to negotiate from a position of strength, while others claim that Russia may use negotiations to buy time to reorganise and upgrade its forces in preparation for a new spring offensive.

According to Milley, the early signs suggested that Russia was completing its withdrawal from Kherson. He did, however, warn that it might take some time to finish.

To move those forces south of that river will take them days, if not weeks, according to Milley, who estimated that Russia likely had 20,000 to 30,000 troops in that region north of the Dnipro river.

Instead of intervening directly in Ukraine, the United States and its NATO allies are arming, assisting, and enabling its military to defend Kyiv against Russia's invading armies.

According to Milley, the conflict has so far resulted in the displacement of anywhere between 15 million and 30 million Ukrainians and the deaths of perhaps 40,000 civilians.

Also Read: More than 1 lakh Russian soldiers were killed in the war! Putin withdrawing his army

You are looking at well over 100,000 dead and wounded Russian soldiers. On the Ukrainian side, it's probably the same thing. a lot of suffering among people," Milley said.

US officials claim that despite the high death toll, Moscow has been unable to accomplish its goals in Ukraine and have questioned how long Russia will be able to withstand an invasion that has also greatly reduced its mechanised ground forces and depleted its artillery stockpiles.

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