US Police shot dead another black man in Los Angeles

Los Angeles: The case of George Floyd's death in the US has not yet closed, now a ruckus has started with the death of another black. Los Angeles County Sheriff's Assistants have recently shot a black man. The person who was shot is being described as Dijon Kiji. Dijon Kiji has died and a demonstration has been going on since his death. However, the officials themselves have given information about this.

Police say that the young man had a gun in his hand. He threw a gun during a violent clash. The local media says that the 29-year-old man killed is Dijon Kijiji. The officials and relatives of the deceased say that he was going by bicycle and the police stopped him for violating the traffic rules. At this, he started running away and during this time he also punched a policeman. He then dropped something from his clothes. Lieutenant Brandon Dean told reporters, "The officers saw that what Dijon had dropped was a black semi-automatic handgun".

After that, the young man died on the spot. But till now it is not clear whether Dijon was picking up the gun lying on the ground when he was shot. In this regard, the Dean said that "The officers present there will be questioned about this". According to local media reports, after the incident, about 100 people had gathered on the spot and started shouting slogans for justice. In the southern Los Angeles area, protesters took out a march in which more than 100 people took part. According to the information received, during this march, the shooters went to the Sheriff's Office near the spot and raised slogans of 'No justice, no peace'.

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